Plants that Purify


Plants that Purify

The modest plant can make all the difference in the air we breathe indoors. They work hard at cleaning our air of toxins and releasing humidity back into the atmosphere. In fact, there are many health benefits to being near plants. Below are a few plants we personally love to use when designing homes.


The Spider Plant is great at cleansing the air. It is highly effective at removing gases and toxins like xylene and formaldehyde from your home. Since these chemicals are typically found in common cleaning products, adhesives, and grouts, so it is a good idea to keep these plants around your kitchens or bathrooms.

Design Tip: Spider plants grow quickly and look great in hanging baskets when fully grown. They sometimes even produce lovely white blossoms.

Safety Tip: The Spider Plant is considered a safe house plant for pets according to the American Society for the Prevention and Cruelty of Animals.



The Snake Plant is commonly known as ‘the mother-in-law’s tongue.’ This plant is also excellent at filtering out formaldehyde along with other toxins that correlate with allergies. The Snake Plant is unique in the sense that it converts carbon dioxide to oxygen but only at night, making it ideal to have them in your bedroom.

Design Tip: Snake plants love humidity and sunlight, making them a great addition to any space in your home. We recommend placing them on stands to better keep them out of reach from pets.

Safety Tip: The Snake Plant is considered mildly toxic for pets according to the American Society for the Prevention and Cruelty of Animals, so these are not ideal for curious minds.



The Areca Palm Plant, also known as the Butterfly Palm or Bamboo Palm, is one of the best air purifiers for your home. Some major indoor air pollutants removed by this plant are acetone, xylene, and toluene. This pleasant plant releases lots of moisture into the air, removes toxins very effectively. It is easy to look after and resists insect infestations well.

Design Tip: Areca Palm plants are exquisite and thrive best when placed in rooms with filtered light.

Safety Tip: The Areca Palm is considered a safe house plant for pets according to the American Society for the Prevention and Cruelty of Animals.



Orchids are considered a high-maintenance plant. It might seem hard to believe that these beautiful flowers serve a practical purpose in your home. They are effective at removing xylene from the air and releasing oxygen at night. Like the snake plant, these make a great bedroom plant or the perfect gift for someone who has recently painted or renovated home.

Design Tip: Many Orchids are from tropical climates with good air, plenty of sunlight, and warm temperatures. A good rule of thumb is that the larger the leaf on an Orchid plant, the less light it needs.

Safety Tip: While Orchids can be toxic to kittens or pups, it is a safe house plant for pets, according to the American Society for the Prevention and Cruelty of Animals.

If you are interested in learning more or wish to discuss ways to incorporate some of these elements into your home, contact me at and be sure you follow us on Instagram!

Jeremy Richardson