3 Easy Design Steps to an Organized Home


3 Easy Design Steps to an Organized Home

The organization is just as important as designing your home or ideal space. The key to creating peace and calm in your home is to start with reducing clutter to clear your mind. We all live hectic lives and juggle many things, so taking the time to organize our homes is vital for overall well-being.

Create systems, learn how to stay organized, and keep it simple!

Here are the three easy steps on how to organize your home!


This first step is not mainly a designing tool per se, but it has to happen before anything else. For an interior designer like me to create a calm, peaceful space, there cannot be clutter and chaos. Be ruthless, seriously! If you haven’t used it recently or have a stain or hole, donate it or throw it away! If it’s broken, get rid of it! The more you get rid of excess things, the less cluttered your home will feel. Then you are left with this beautiful clean slate in front of you, and you only want to put back what is necessary. Strive to live like a modern-day minimalist!


One of the huge parts of my business is accessories. So, when I complete each design, I bring in accessories to add the perfect finishing touches to each space. Using a minimalist approach, less is more I keep small objects to a minimum and bring larger pieces instead. If you have many small décor pieces, you can gather and group them on a tray to feel less cluttered.

An example of accessorizing with more substantial pieces is, having one large vase on a dining table rather than having a vase, candles, and a bowl. Not only does this create more work for you, but it also tends to look messy and disorganized. Instead, try using two or three of the same items on a table or shelf. This will visually create an overall calming effect, plus it’s less for you to keep clean.


Do yourself a favor and keep your organizing design tools simple! I mean that when selecting tools to help you stay organized, only choose one or two styles. Using baskets, bins, and boxes to create a place for everything to be put away in your home will make the clean-up process so much easier. These tools serve as a visual reminder to put everything away where it belongs, and if you have kids like me, these are super helpful!

An example of only selecting a few organizational tools to use throughout your home is, using only white boxes and natural baskets to store kids’ toys. Also, keep the consistency method within every room of your home, like the kitchen. I use all white dividers in my kitchen drawers n every drawer, all-white bins for spices and snacks. This visual will consistently help your home look clean, fresh and keep the overall peaceful style we all desire!

If you have questions or would like to talk to me about your own home design project, please contact me at kelly@kellymarieinteriordesign.com.

Jeremy Richardson